Saturday, August 17

Praise be to Penny!

When the work at the Residential care homes came to an end, a meeting occurred between Penny Allen and us girls to discuss all of the progress and how the project would be moving forward until the exhibition later this year.  There was lots of talk of experiences, the joy the project bought the girls and how much everyone found the project so rewarding.

Penny then surprised us all with a handmade gift: little red suitcase badges. I think each one of us was so happy with the crafty gifts! It felt a bit strange though to be on the receiving end of the present, when we felt like really the thanks should be going to Penny herself. She was the person who innovated the project, organised it with the Courtyard and Alice Saunders, The Arts and Older people Project coordinator , and arranged for the students at Hereford College of Arts to participate.

So this post is a massive THANKYOU(!!!) to Penny for providing this great experience, from all of us girls! 


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